Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Even though we aren't with all of our family this year for thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for! Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to offer your love, support, and prayers. We are doing well, but missing you all very much (especially today). Have a wonderful day and enjoy your feast!

P.S. I will miss shopping with you tomorrow, Angela. If you are still going, get some good deals for me. I will be working at 6 a.m. for parents to drop off the kids while they go to the stores I want to be at. (You have to have the money to be able to save the money, though, so I wouldn't be shopping this year anyway.) Have fun out there!!!

1 comment:

A.H.Shaw said...

awww, I will miss you too my perfect shopping buddy. Stacy is going with you this year, but no matter how good she is, no one can replace you. We are leaving at 6am and hitting Toys 'R Us first to buy the boys bikes (shhh, don't tell them)...that is her boys, not mine and then we are heading to the Altamonte Mall and then to Old Navy and Bed Bath and Beyond in Winter Garden and then home to bed! Have fun playing with kids all day, but I will miss you terribly!