Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Owners for a year!

Today, October 6th, is our 1-year anniversary of owning My Gym Arvada! We had an anniversary party last Friday night to play games & have ice cream (called it "Mymo's Birthday" - Mymo is the My Gym monkey). The members really appreciated us giving back to them, and we appreciated them celebrating with us! We also hand-wrote 23 thank you notes to the families who were here over a year ago, stayed enrolled through the transition of owners, and are still enrolled today. Those 23 families have been especially supportive of us!

Us serving Ice Cream - vanilla or chocolate with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, cherries, sprinkles, M&Ms, gummy bears!!!

Casey & Jessie - one of the families who have been enrolled over a year.

I asked them to smile, but I'm not sure where they thought I was.

The 9 year old on the right wants to work at My Gym!

We had even more than this attend, but these are the families who were able to stay until the end (7:00pm). I'm still laughing at Wyatt, the boy in the front row 3rd from the right, with his finger up his nose.

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