Friday, Feb. 6th 10am - 6pm
- 35 new kids came through the door
- 7 new kids signed up for classes (20%)
- 1 Birthday Party booked
- 4 kids signed up for our Valentine's Day Parent's Night Out
Saturday, Feb. 7th 10am - 2pm
- 23 new kids came through the door
- 3 new kids signed up for classes (13%)
- 6 Birthday Parties booked
- 2 kids signed up for our Valentine's Day Parent's Night Out
Sunday, Feb. 8th 10am - 2pm
- 25 new kids came through the door
- 17 new kids signed up for classes (68%)
- 3 Birthday Parties booked
Weekend total:
- 83 new kids came through the door
- 27 signed up for classes (32%)
- 10 Birthday Parties booked
- 6 more kids for our Parent's Night Out
As you can see, we were 13 kids shy of of our goal. However, the Birthday Parties help with the break even number. Even though I wish these numbers were 100%, in Corporate's eyes, we ran a successful Open House! We still have more of a ladder to climb to get the gym where it needs to be, but last weekend was a huge jump start for us. Since the weekend, we have had 5 more people come in or call wanting to sign up with the Open House specials. Even though a little late, we are still honoring the specials for them to bring our numbers up even more. Marketing will continue as planned, but it helps to have a nice boost! I am just so encouraged how many people actually came through the doors to meet us (most of who had never been here before). We will follow up with all those families and hope to get them in soon for a free trial class to see it again. We are just excited that the word will finally start spreading now about us, and I hope our numbers continue to rise.
Thank you to my family for all your patience with me during this busy time of business. I hope to post more often now, and will add more pictures of Colorado when I get a day off to explore. This week we are just recovering from being over-worked this weekend, fighting off the colds we got from it, and getting ready for our Parent's Night Out Saturday for Valentine's Day.
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