Friday, February 27, 2009

Hiking - Part 1

Last Sunday, we actually had a day off... and it was WONDERFUL! We dicided to pack a lunch, fill up our Camelback with water (thanks Micah!), and drive up the mountains. Our goal was to pull over at any brown government sign to sight-see, explore, and hike. We actually didn't end up going very far to enjoy amazing sights and fun adventures. Over the next few days, you will get to see posts and pictures of our day - visiting Buffalo Bill's grave, hiking at Lookout Mountain, seeing Elk, and watching buffalo. Surprisingly, we only live 30min away from all four of those things! Enjoy, and stay tuned to our blog to see our whole day unfold.

Pretty Day - a little brezey, but not too cold
Big Buffalo!

Us in front of Big Buffalo (self portraits sometimes don't work out... hence you not getting to see Big Buffalo in this picutre, haha)

How is this guy "Buffalo Bill"?

We got off the interstate for this?

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