Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Great news via email (April update)

For a quick update on how we are doing this month, our enrollment numbers are at 146 right now (April 2010 was 194), but our birthday parties hit an all-time 'high' with 14 parties this month (April 2010, we were still averaging 5 a month).

The main reason, however, of why I wanted to blog tonight was because of two emails we received today with great news. Thank you for voting for us (if you did) for the Colorado Parent magazine 2011 Family Favorites. They sent us an email today reading:

"Congratulations! Colorado Parent readers have chosen My Gym as a 2011 Family Favorite Winner in the Tumbling or Gymnastics Program for Kids category and also chosen as a Top 5 in the Party Location, Indoor Playspace and Mom-friendly Playdate Spot categories! With this honor you will receive a Family Favorite award and winner emblem to showcase at your business and on your website. You will also be able to have the emblem in any ads you place with Colorado Parent throughout the year. We will highlight the winners in our Annual Family Favorites issue in July. You have already reserved an eighth page in the issue. I will send you an emblem to include in your ad. Again, congratulations!"

The second email was about us relocating a few doors down in our plaza for Tuesday Morning to move into our space and the 4 other empty spaces next to us. The email from our landlord said:

"OUR DEAL WAS SIGNED THIS MORNING!!!!!!! BOOTS (contractor) IS PREPARING A DETAILED SCHEDULE FOR US AND YOU WILL BE IN YOUR NEW SPACE BY JUNE 1.!!!! I will forward you the work schedule as soon as I get it."

We are so excited and READY for this brand new build-out to get started! We were blessed with a surprise check of a refund back to the business that allowed us to purchase some new equipment to go in the new gym. We have everything stored in our garage right now so that it's all new for the members when we move. The lobby will have all new signs, benches, and we finally will have a place to hang all of our awards. The gym floor will be bigger, and the zip line will be longer. The storage room will be more organized, and the office will be a separate room now. Below is a picture of the paint samples (they will be darker on the walls... we got to see it in the new Dr. Phillips My Gym). We won't have paintings/murals on the wall, just big My Gym logos to keep it timeless (and age-less). I can't wait to start posting before and after pictures during the process.

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