Saturday, February 5, 2011

CSI (Cold, Snow, Ice)

What a week! We closed My Gym on Monday due to icy roads (it was raining ice that soon turned into snow). It took my neighbor 15min to scrape their car windsheild only for it to ice up again 1/2 mile down the road. We closed again on Tuesday when the schools were going to be closed, but we decided to open Wednesday (even though the schools closed again). The temperatures hit record lows and the snow has been on and off everyday since Monday.

The good news about the snow, however, is that Juli got to go snowshoeing today with girls from church. Anelise's parents let me borrow their snowshoes, so it was a free day at the mountains. It snowed on us a ton, but it was beautiful! I'll post snowshoeing pictures next blog post.

Anelise's backyard Friday morning.
You couldn't see the green street signs today.

Last Tuesday's forecast (but it got to -29F with wind chill).

This is how I'm feeling right about now.

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