Sunday, May 31, 2009

ELMO Pictures - finally!

Here are the pictures from our Elmo Open House we had earlier this month. Neil (Thomas' step-dad) was in town earlier that week and decided to stay to be Elmo for us. We could not have done the event without him! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH NEIL!!!

Juli showing how Elmo came....

Thomas showing the body of Elmo...

Neil as Elmo!


...being silly the ballpit!

Hope this one isn't too little, but it's the only picture we were able to get from a member who came to the event. If we get more of us dancing and playing games with Elmo (or even video), I'll post them right away. It's been weeks since the event, and the kids still ask for Elmo. A 4-year old even pointed to our back room and said, "Mom, Elmo is back there". Everyone had a blast and we hope to bring Elmo back to My Gym every year - you up for it Neil? haha

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Schedule

Our main work/personal computer crashed last Friday.  We had to pay to get it backed up to save all of our documents and pictures. However, our pictures are a mess on our laptop... in different folders and stuff.... so I have to sort through everything and post Elmo pictures and more updates later (when I'm not using our Mac).

A lot of you call and ask if I'm at work, or when you get my voicemail, you think I don't want to talk to you (hmmm, Angela) so I decided to post our set summer work schedule below. Of course during the admin working times and at night, I don't know how busy I'll be or how late we'll work, but you can have at least an idea of what we have set each Monday-Saturday. Sundays are different each week because we could have up to 4 parties to work or the day off, just depends on what books. I like a set schedule/a routine - I think it gets me through each day better. We have started to work out at our clubhouse each night at 10 to watch the news. It's a great habit we created, helps us sleep better, and then start the next day ready to go (and a little sore). Another thing to point out, the times below are in our time zone (Mountain time), so add 2 hours to everything for Florida time.

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:00-10:00 gym class
10:15-11:15 gym class
11:30-12:30 gym class
1:00-4:00 Summer Camp
4:15 re-arrange gym
5:30-6:30 gym class
6:30pm clean gym
10:00pm work out

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:10-10:10 gym class
10:15-11:15 gym class
11:30-12:30 gym class
1:00-4:00 Juli babysits
4:55-5:55 gym class
6:00-7:00 gym class
7:00pm clean gym
10:00pm work out

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:15-10:15 gym class
10:30-11:30 gym class
~admin. work at gym~
*trying to get a 11:45-2:00 drop-off program running
3:00-4:00 gym class
4:15-5:15 gym class
5:30-6:30 gym class
6:30pm clean gym
10:00pm work out

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:15-10:15 gym class
10:30-11:30 gym class
~admin. work at gym~
*trying to get a 11:40-1:00 art class running
2:15-3:00 gym class
3:15-4:15 gym class
4:30-5:30 gym class
5:45-6:45 gym class
6:45pm clean gym
10:00pm work out

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:15-10:15 gym class
10:30-11:30 gym class
11:45-12:45 gym class
1:00-4:00 Summer Camp
*sometimes done, sometimes a 6:00-7:30 party, and a Parent's Night Out the 2nd Friday of each month 5:00-9:00pm
10:00pm work out

7:00am wake up
8:30am arrive at work
9:15-10:15 gym class
10:20-11:20 gym class
11:30-12:30 gym class
1:30-3:00 party
4:00-5:30 party
6:00-7:30 party (sometimes)
10:00pm work out

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

We have a weekly drop-off program at My Gym where we made Mother's Day cards last Wednesday. A 3-year-old boy named Royal, wanted a heart-shaped card. He had me write what he wanted it to say, and I promise that I didn't change any words!!! He even was able to read it back to his mom when she came to pick him up. His card cracked us up... and I love his signature. It just shows that kids are the greatest, and they love their moms no matter how they tell them!

We are missing our moms (and grandmothers) this Mother's Day! You all are very special to us, and we hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day - kinda like Royal said. We will be celebrating Mother's Day with a day off of cleaning the house. I just noticed that we have worked 27 days in a row, and that's only because we closed for Easter (or it would have been longer). It's sad we aren't there to celebrate how greatful we are for you, Moms, but we are soooo looking forward to spending lots of time with you in July!

We love you: Sherry (MOM), Margaret (MOM), Grandma, Gramma, and Mimi!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
~Juli and Thomas

Friday, May 8, 2009

Garden of the Gods

We had our Elmo Open House at My Gym last Saturday. The turnout was amazing, and we had a lot of fun. MANY, MANY THANKS goes to Neil for staying longer in Colorado to be Elmo! Pictures and enrollment numbers are coming soon from our event.

Last Sunaday, we had the chance to drive about 1.5 hours to Colorado Springs. There is another My Gym there, so we got to see the gym and hang out with the owners. We went to dinner with them, and they also drove us through Garden of the Gods (pictures below). It was kinda rainy, so we just drove through, but we want to go back with them to hike sometime. I'm working on more updates to post soon, but enjoy this beautiful sight (the pictures don't even do it justice).